
15 03, 2013

Management of depression in Hepatitis C patients to improve quality of life discussed


A Symposium on "Depression in Hepatitis C patients" was held during the 29th Annual Congress Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy on 24th February 2013. It was the first time that this important topic was addressed during this Congress which proved to be the biggest medical Congress of Pakistan having high attendance of gastroenterologists, hepatologists and internal medicine doctors from [...]

15 03, 2013

29th Int. Congress on Gastroenterology and GI Endoscopy held


Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology and G.I. Endoscopy organized a 3-day 29th International Gastroenterology and GI Endoscopy Congress at a local hotel in Lahore. Senior Gastroenterologist and family physicians from across the country and abroad were present on the occasion. Special Assistant to Chief Minister on Health Khawaja Salman Rafique was the chief guest on the [...]

15 08, 2011

Awareness key to controlling various types of Hepatitis


The number of people suffering from various types of hepatitis is on the rise in the country. This is the first time that World Hepatitis Day is being sponsored globally by the World Health Organization (WHO) following the passing of the resolution on Viral Hepatitis at the 63rd World Health Assembly in May [...]