
15 07, 2015

Public awareness key to prevent people from severe skin diseases


Urticaria is commonly known as Hives or locally PittiUchalna Chapaki is an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps, patches, or the sudden appearance of red or white welts on the skin either as a result of allergies, or for other reasons that at times are unknown. He said hives generally cause extreme itching, burning and [...]

15 08, 2014

How to Heal Mouth Sores Caused by Chemotherapy


Chemotherapy can have many unpleasant side effects, one of which is oral Mucositis: mouth sores or ulcers that develop on the soft tissues of your lips, mouth, gums, and tongue, and, in some cases, extend into the esophagus. Not every patient will develop mouth sores from chemotherapy, but if you do, there are steps you [...]