
15 01, 2013

SIUT organizae certificate awarding ceremony for student volunteer program batch


The Resource Generation and Outreach Department (RGO) of Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) organized the certificate awarding ceremony for the 31st batch of student volunteer program. On this occasion Prof. Adibul Hasan Rizvi commented that proper training of the volunteers is integral for the bright future of Pakistan. Prof Adib Rizvi said that [...]

15 07, 2011

Delivering better health services to Pakistan’s Poor – A World Bank Report


Pakistan is not on track to achieve most Millennium development goals (MDGS) related to health, nutrition and population. Given its current rate of progress, in 2015 Pakistan’s infant mortality rate (IMR) will be 65 deaths per 1,000 live births and the under-five mortality rate U5MR will be 78,considerably above the MDG4 targets of 33 and [...]

15 05, 2011

World Malaria Day: Speakers urge use of mosquito nets to prevent disease


World Malaria Day is observed every year on April 25th to venerate the efforts of different parts of the World to control Malaria prevalence. Novartis Pharma Pakistan, a Multinational Research based Pharmaceutical Company organized an Awareness Session recently in a local hotel in Karachi. The event comprised of interaction between the medical community [...]