15 07, 2011

Rationale for FDC in the management of Diabetes and Hypertension


NEXT Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd as a part of Continued Medical Education (CME) Program organized a lecture on “Rationale of Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) in the management of DM and HTN” at a local hotel in Karachi. Prof. Dr. M. A. Ebrahim, Consultant Endocrinologist was the Guest Speaker while Physician & Heart Specialist, Prof. [...]

15 07, 2011

Speakers emphasized the benefits of combination therapy in hypertension & diabetes


Hypertension and diabetes are major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and a steep rise in the prevalence of these risk factors explains the CVD epidemic world over.  According to WHO, Pakistan is one of the 10 countries in the world with the highest prevalence of diabetes and has one of the fastest increase in the [...]