
15 10, 2011

Aga Khan University Conducts Earthquake Drill as Part of Disaster Preparedness


More than a third of all earthquakes between 1991 and 2005 around the world occurred in Central and South Asia. The quakes in Sarez, Tajikistan (1911); Gujarat, India (2001); Naryn, Kyrgyzstan (2002); and Azad Kashmir, Pakistan (2005) are the examples of the seismic hazards that exist in the region and their devastating consequences. ‘Drop, Cover [...]

15 08, 2011

Floods impact will be felt for years, says UNICEF report


A year after devastating monsoon floods hit Pakistan, many of the more than 18 million affected people — almost half of them children — are struggling to rebuild their shattered lives against a background of dwindling humanitarian funding and fear of new floods. The floods, which at their worst covered up to one-fifth of the [...]