
15 06, 2012

Sanofi Pakistan shares results of Acute Coronary Syndromes Descriptive Study (ACCORD)


To share the key findings from Acute Coronary Syndrome Descriptive Study (ACCORD) and the local data on Clinical Practice of the Management of ACS and use of Anti-platelet agent in Acute Hospital Settings, Sanofi Pakistan organized a Cardiovascular Symposium titled “We take Cardiac Care to Heart” recently at a local hotel in Karachi. The Symposium [...]

15 12, 2011

Unparalleled global progress in HIV response but sustained investment vital


Global progress in both preventing and treating HIV emphasizes the benefits of sustaining investment in HIV/AIDS over the longer term. The latest report by the WHO, UNICEF and UNAIDS Report on the global HIV/AIDS response indicates that increased access to HIV services resulted in a 15% reduction of new infections over the past decade and [...]