
15 12, 2011

Malaria during Pregnancy: New study assesses risks during first trimester


The largest ever study to assess the effects of malaria and its treatment in the first trimester of pregnancy has shown that the disease significantly increases the risk of miscarriage but that treating with antimalarial drugs is relatively safe and reduces this risk. In the study, carried out at the Shoklo Malaria Research Unit (SMRU) [...]

15 03, 2011

Newer Antimalarials More Effective than Quinine Against Severe Malaria


Quinine should no longer be the drug of choice for treating severe malaria, according to an updated systematic review by Cochrane researchers. It is now evident that the antimalarial drug artesunate, which is derived from herbs used in Chinese medicine, is more effective at preventing death in patients with severe malaria. ================= Rising status of [...]