Medical Review

Role of Leviteracetam Discussed at Dow University

A combined session of faculties of DOW University of Health Sciences, Department of Neurology and Baqai Medical University relating to the role of Leviteracetam was held at the DOW University of Health Sciences.

Prof. SaleemIlyas was instrumental in organizing the session while Prof. Arif Herekar, Chairman Department of Neurology at Baqai Medical University was the Chief Guest. This well-organized session was well attended.

Neurologists, Neuropsychiatrists, Post-Graduates, Physicians interested in Neurology, Resident Medical Officers and Junior Doctors were in attendance. The role of Leviteracetam, the latest in the advent of newer antiepileptics was highlighted. Both Prof. SaleemIlyas (head of the department of Neurology at DUHS) and Prof. Arif Herekar elaborated on newer options in the treatment of generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes. The seminar was interactive with questions and answers session at the end.