“Pakistan needs to create great quality research and academic institutions to be emerged as a high-status nation on the map of the world. Nations are now recognised through the progress that they make in the field of science and research. The time has passed when the wealth accumulation was believed to be a landmark for the development of any nation. In the present era knowledge and research are judged as new markers for development and growth of nations. ICCBS Science Festival was held in connection with the 50 Years Celebrations of HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry – ICCBS, University of Karachi.”
Director International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary expressed these views while delivering an inaugural speech at ICCBS Science Festival held in the lawns of Prof Atta-ur-Rahman Laboratories, University of Karachi here on Saturday night.
More than one thousand people, largely children, women and students, attended the science event. The science festival with a programme of innovative and inspiring performances, screenings, special events and exhibitions was organised by International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi.
International students, especially from Egypt, Cameron, Nigeria, Nepal, Tajikistan, Iran etc. have shown great interest in the festival where scientists of ICCBS explained their research in a simple and friendly manner to the public belonging to every segment of life. Leading scientists, educationists, teachers, students, high government officials and their families attended the festival.
Prof. Iqbal Choudhary inaugurated the festival at 6pm. Speaking on the occasion, he said that the USA is known worldwide for its progress in science and technology; similarly the United Kingdom is famous for its prestigious academic institutions.
He said that those nations who are ready to face the challenges of the future will definitely be benefited from the speedy growth of science and technology.
He said that this festival is being held in connection with the 50 Years Celebrations of HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry – ICCBS, University of Karachi. He said that the main objective of this science event was to make our students or children understand that what kinds of researches are being carried out at ICCBS. This was an opportunity for our students of all levels to know about research carrying out at ICCBS, which is considered a leading research establishment of this region, he said.
The ICCBS owns the single largest doctoral program in the country with over 350 PhD students from over 20 countries of the world, he mentioned, adding that the international center carries out research, training, product development and service delivery in the chemical, biological, and biomedical sciences.
The visitors shown great interests in various stalls of different areas of sciences and foods, including biotechnology, tissue culture technology, Halal Testing Laboratory food stall, molecular medicines and other food stalls etc.