Medical Review

Breast cancer awareness need of the hour

Department of Sociology, University of Karachi in collaboration with Nusrat Education and Health Welfare Trust organized an Awareness Seminar on Breast Cancer recently in UoK, Karachi


Prof. Rana Saba Sultan has said that thousands of women are suffering from breast cancer in the country due to the lack of awareness while majority of them lose their lives. Only due to lack of awareness, South Asian countries particularly Pakistan, the death rate of breast cancer patients is high. Majority of ladies in Pakistan are diagnosed in last stage which is a dilemma. Any change and irregular feeling on breasts may be a symptom of breast cancer, women shouldn’t ignore it and contact their doctor.

He added that the purpose of this seminar was to raise awareness regarding breast cancer in the country. She briefed the audience about the major details of the diseases and called for raising countrywide awareness of this disease among masses.

Dr. Naila Usman Siddiqui, Associate Professor Sociology Department KU said that the major reason of spreading of breast cancer is our societal behavior, we consider it a taboo in our society to discuss it. Women feel ashamed of discussing it and stay silent which ultimately becomes harmful when it reaches the last stage. Sonia Sarfaraz Sorani said that October is the month of awareness of breast cancer. One woman in every nine women has this disease.

In the rural areas of the country, this disease has been completely neglected and considered as a taboo. As many as 77 percent of women above the age of 50 are likely to be affected from this disease, she added.