Monthly Archives: February 2014

15 02, 2014

Dr. Sania Nishtar listed in the top twenty Most Influential Women in Science


The Muslim-Science.Com is an online journal, dedicated to “the revival of scientific, and science-based innovation and entrepreneurial culture in the Islamic World”. In 2014, it has launched its first list of ‘Top-20 Most Influential Women in Science in the Islamic World’ which encompasses 20 women from all over the world for their outstanding achievements as [...]

15 02, 2014

Mechanism of Cancer spread identified


Cancer involves a breakdown of normal cell behavior. Cell reproduction and movement go haywire, causing tumors to grow and spread through the body.  A new finding by University of Pennsylvania scientists has identified key steps that trigger this disintegration of cellular regulation. Their discovery – that a protein called Exo70 has a split personality, with [...]